giovedì 31 marzo 2016

Solution To Food Waste

Solution to Food Waste
Stop Food Waste
Have you ever wondered how much food you waste? Or what you could do to help people and save money for things that matter?

Yes, we need food to survive.. but why chew more than you can swallow?

And why assume something has gone bad when really it's still good?

Do you know what food waste is?
Food waste or food loss is food that is discarded or lost or uneaten. The causes of food waste or loss are numerous, and occur at the stages of production, processing, retailing and consumption. As of 2013, half of all food is wasted worldwide, according to the British Institution of Mechanical Engineers. (IME)

I have three easy solutions you can follow that may or may not (depends on the person) help you.

Make a list.

By making a list you can avoid buying food you don't need, and you have a bit more self control. Plus, you won't have to worry about where the money goes, because it would be in your pocket.
Although... there are people who think 'I can't do that! What if most of the food has gone bad?', before doing the list, check if the food is bad, word of advise.. canned food is safe to have for a long time as long as you don't open it and forget about it the next day.
'But the date due is -', doesn't matter when it was due, canned food is still good no matter how long you keep it. If you're that against keeping it, donate it to the children in Africa or somewhere else close to your home.

Making smaller portions.

This helps a lot to decrease food waste. Why? Because it helps you throw away less food, and you eat healthier. Ah! But careful on the size of the plate though!The reason I say this because they trick you. For example: when you go to a restaurant and they give you a large plate with some pasta in the centre you think it's a little bit, but when served a plate with the same amount you think it's too much when really it's just your mind playing tricks. So pay caution.

Make a Menù and change it periodically.

This helps you not make three or four different plates for your family. After all, everyone has different taste in food. While making the menù, make sure your family agrees with it.That way you won't be throwing away a lot of food. Also, to keep things interesting and fun, change the menù when you get bored of it. 

There you go, three simple ways to help stop food waste. Make a list to buy what you need, make smaller portions to avoid throwing everything away, and make a menù and change it periodically to keep things fun and waste almost no food.

Where I got my info:
North Lincolnshire Council. "Love Food Hate Waste". North Lincolnshire Council. North Lincolnshire Council. 20/4/2015. 2/4/2016.
EPA Home. "Reducing Wasted Food At Home". EPA Home. Feb 29, 2016. March 16, 2016.

Fighting against food waste all together!

Hello everyone!

     My name is Clem and I am 15 years old. I created this blog to talk about food waste and propose some ways we can help reducing it. The global volume of food wastage is estimated at 1,6 billion tones. That's not funny, hum? You're right, because it's the truth. With that amount of food, we could nourish all of the hungry people on Earth. One of the biggest problems on earth can be solved if little and simple actions are accomplished by each of us.

       Food waste has always existed but its percentage has increased a lot along the time. Some people began to search for solutions they could personally adopt. But those people represent a really small part of the world population. The other part of the population is divided in two categories. One of them counts the people who do not waste food because they don't even have enough food to eat. The other category is filled with the people who did not realize the grandeur of this world problem yet or who just don't care about it. However, hopefully for us, more and more people show interest in wasting less food (mostly because of their economic concerns) and try to make changes that help for it in their lives.

     One of the ways to reduce food waste is to organize and plan meals. Before going buying everything that seems interesting to you in the supermarket, make a list of what you really need. Take a paper and divide it in seven parts. Write what you would like to cook for every meal of the week, day by day, and what portions you will need. When you buy your food, look at the packages that better match your needs in term of size. This will help you to eat everything you buy, contributing to reduce food waste. It is important for the world but also to you! By throwing food away, you do not only waste the food but also the money you spent on it. In addition, you are throwing away the energy, water and labor used to produce it. Think of the things you could do with this money, it will worth it!
      Another way to reduce food waste concerns the fruits and vegetables. It is better to buy them from producers rather than from supermarkets. In supermarkets, the fruits and vegetables have been treated and only "perfect ones" are put on sell. But the, now called, "funny fruits and vegetables" proposed in producers' shops are also good. Those products are not proposed in the supermarkets because of their original and imperfect aspects. However, their quality is much better and they aren't dangerous for us. Vegetables or fruits that have been sent to factories before to end in the supermarkets are treated with products like pesticides, dangerous for our health. The funny fruits and vegetables are generally thrown away and represent a big percentage of food waste. If instead, those could be bought (at a lower price) or donated to organizations that then redistribute the food to needy persons, food waste would already be reduced by one fourth.

      The third way I wanted to talk about is donation. Donation is one of the easiest and most popular action people do. A lot of associations and organizations are open everyday where you can donate some food unused, cans, sauces, tomato cans, pasta, rice … Those are then sent to ghettos and places where people don’t even know if they will eat again one day. Voluntary helpers distribute and prepare the food there, offering complete meals the more often they can. This solution helps food waste and another sadly popular and important, famine. This is why I think people should donate what would normally be thrown away or kept in the back of the kitchen until the date limit is reached. 

    Organizing our meals, eating funny fruits and vegetables and donating are actions opened to everyone. With small actions we can reduce food waste and assure a good and healthy future to the next generations. 

Remember! Small actions added together result in a revolution!

 Be a food waste warrior!
Works cited: 
  • Léa. "Food Wastage: Key Facts and Figures." Food and Agriculture of the United Nations., 2013. Web. 16 Mar. 2016.
  • Lee, Anna. "Eat the Crooked Carrot, save the World." Washington Post. The Washington Post, 13 Mar. 2015. Web. 16 Mar. 2016.
  • Sécurité Sanitaire. "Le don alimentaire en toute sécurité : suivez le guide !"  Alim'Agri. République Française, 27 Nov. 2015. Web. 16 Mar. 2016.

giovedì 24 marzo 2016



Feeding the world population requires an enormous amount of land and resources. Right now, in the US, around 40 percent of food goes to waste. Reducing our own food waste is an easy way to reduce our spending and our environmental footprint.

Food Waste or food loss is food that is discarded, lost or uneaten. The causes of food waste or loss are numerous, and occur at the stages of productions, processing, retailing and consumption.

You can save your planet and save your money by doing three easy things:
THINK, EAT,SAVE. Are you ready?

THINK. For this issue i would suggest solutions such as using shopping lists when you go shopping, planning meals to make sure you consume all the products before the expiration date, buying from bulk bins to get the right amount of food you need, don’t succumb to supermarket tricks because you will buy more food. Most foods can be safely consumed well after their use by-dates.Some websites can help you get recipes to store products that might go bad soon. You can donate the food  that you are not going to eat to food banks, soup, kitchens, pantries, and shelters. The people who work in a restaurant can reduce portion sizes, I mean, huge portion sizes at restaurants can lead to large amounts of food waste because some people are unable to finish the meals they order so restaurants can reduce this type of waste by offering smaller sizes of menu items.

EAT. Pack up your extras when you go to a restaurant so you can eat later but if you don't want to eat them later, freeze them. This issue is so important because only about half of Americans take leftover home from restaurants so you should eat leftovers. You can buy products only when you see that the products in your freezer are about to finish to reduce food waste. Don't let your friends throw out food in front of you.

SAVE. Consider the possibility to buy funny fruit, I mean fruit which is not perfect because of its size, shape or color. Use your freezer to conserve your frozen foods indefinitely and save your money. If you go to a restaurant ask for half-portions instead of requesting big portions. You can also make your own orchard in your garden instead of buying fruits at the supermarket. Some food waste is inevitable such as eggs shells, banana skins and tea bags because they are cheaper than other foods.

When you throw food away, think of the people who don't have anything to eat and the amount of people who are dying. If I were you I would follow the solutions to save my money and to help those people. I assure you will be grateful.




- ''Saving leftovers saves money and resources''. Natural Resources Defense Council. March 2013. Web. March 20, 2016.
- ''Food Facts, Your Scraps Add Up''. Natural Resources. Nov 19, 2014. Web. 6 March 2016.
-  ''Reducing Wasted Food At Home''. EPA gov. United States Environment Protection Agency. Jan 19, 2016. Web. March 6, 2016.



Did you know how much food we waste every years? You know that USA wastes 40% of their food.
Maybe you don't know but today a lot of people are wasting food and just few people don't waste it. We usually waste food for example also when we cook too much food or when we buy a lot. Maybe you miss it but you are wasting food. We don't waste only food but also water and energy. For us maybe the water is a normal thing but you can never imagine that some people of Africa don't have it, and that for them how is important. also me, I waste food because I don't like to eat a lot of food such as vegetables or fruit, but I love eat meat. We must improve this situation and you must think about the children that don't have a thing to eat. I think that the best way for us to not waste food isdonate the food to the poor people. 

Maybe you don't want to help them ,giving them some money because you work for it. Is' s normal. I thought this way before. But then, one time when we went to mc donalds , my uncle put the money on the box for the poor people and when I saw that , I soon asked him why he did this, and so ho told me that you can help the poor children also with a simple gesture like this, so give them some money, even if you give just a little. After this answer , I'm asking him again and I said that if they don't give the money in the box to the poor, at this question my uncle said that he doesn't care because he did the right thing and he helped the children, and they were wrong if they are not going to give them the money. 

So after this time I started to help the poor people. How? Easy , every time I went to mc donald I put some money in the box , not because I have a lot of money to waste only because I want to help them because we are lucky we are born in a normal family and you parent can give you whatever you want, but they are no so lucky and this is not their folt. You know the day in which you can buy the food for the poor people. You can do the shopping for them and then give the food to the association or you can help the people to compile the food. Another way to help the poor people is to give them the food just i said. For example, in France and in another country the supermarket gives the food that is about to expire to the poor people so you do not waste it. And recently the governament made a new low for this and the supermarket can't waste the food but they must give the food to the poor people or to the association. I think that this is a nice idea because you are not going to waste food and at the same time you can help the people.

Today wasting food is a big issue and we must do something to stop it and to waste less. We don't need to do something very difficult or great, but we just need do own best like don't cook a lot of food when you are not hungry, something very easy that you meet every day in your life.

So, the next time you are about to throw way food, think about donating to the poor instead. You will feel better about not wasting food , and you will help someone less fortunate than yourself too.

Works Cited

Food Facts:Your Scraps Add Up ; Natural Resuources Defense Council ; March 2013 web 19 feb 2016
Sustainable Management Of Food ; United States Enviromental Protection Agency ; 19 Jan 2016 web 19 feb 2016.

mercoledì 23 marzo 2016



                                  FOOD WASTE 


         I do not like to waste anything at all. Any food left over from the night before is always eaten the next day. What about you? How many of you eat the leftovers? Maybe not all of you because people think that it is gross or disgusting to eat something that has been cooked some our ago. For me, it is inconceivable to throw it away and since I have been doing some research for over a month, I can tell you that this is one of the most important factors in food waste. Therefore, I want to present you all three ways to show you all why we should eat leftovers: 1) You can cook cool dishes with them, 2) That food could be used to feed the world's population and 3) Leftovers that are thrown away, radiate CO2 and methane gases.


         Now-a-days there are thousands of different recipes that can be made with a few products or with a small amount of each ingredient but a big variety of them. For example, I come from Spain and there is a very typical dish called Cocido and it is made up by chickpeas, potatoes, chorizo, prosciutto, many different kinds of meats, carrots and for the bravest ones, spicy sauce but that one is not very common. After the day we eat Cocido, the mothers usually cook croquettes, soups, different kinds of stew, purée with the chickpeas, mashed potatoes, etc. As you can see, this easy traditional dish, which is cheap, can give a lot of delicious alternatives food dishes for the next days.


          To say that the world is growing in population is not new for anybody. But what you might haven't heard yet is that while this is happening, our food resources are decreasing, as Marcel Dicke said during his speech in TED. The most important cause is that food waste is increasing harshly. In recent studies, made by the some researchers, they found out that leftovers are the biggest problem within food waste and they also said that the leftovers can be eaten until four days after been cooked therefore, if you want to change this situation but you refuse to eat the leftovers, bring them to the lunchrooms for poor people because they really need that food.


Leftovers that are not eaten and thrown away radiate gases such as CO2 and different methane gases. In fact, you can test that in your own house by keeping the trash for three days and you will see how much it stinks. And now, talking straight-forwardly, researchers have found that food waste has a big impact on the heat-trapping gasses we release into the environment. They also said that the leftovers produced the 30% of all the gases that contaminate the environment. 


If we realise that these easy three-steps must have to be applied in each and every house in the world, we will feel better because we will be giving a chance to the next generations to live in a flawless planet as the one we are living now-a-days plus, our pollution will decrease causing less illnesses and finally, and as a result of the decrease of pollination, our world will become more beautiful.


"Saving Leftovers Saves Money and Resources" Natural Resources Defence NRDC Nov 19, 2014. WEB.  March20, 2016

Stuart, Tristam. "The Global Food Waste Scandal" TED. Sept 12, 2016. WEB March 20, 2016

"Food Recovery Hierarchy". U.S.Environment. Protection Agency. Feb 29, 2016. WEB. March 20, 2016

Newcomer, Laura "29 Smart and Easy Tips to Reduce Food Waste" Greatist. June 2013. WEB. March 20, 2016.

Mister Mercola "Half of the World´s Food is Thrown Away" articlesmercola. May 31, 2014. WEB. March 20, 2016

A Better World

      Hello to all of you. I’m Claudia. I’m a normal teenager, who wants to inform all of you about food waste. Do you know what is food waste?  Food waste is food that is discarded, lost, or uneaten. According to a report by UNEP and WRI, about 1/3 of all the food produced worldwide, worth around $1 billion, is thrown to the trash. 


      I’ve been searching for information and news about this topic, and I found some interesting things. In the world 222 million vs 230 million tons of food are wasted. I think this information should make us more sensitive with this problems. North America is the country with the highest  percentage  of food waste in the world. Between 30 and 40 percent of the food is wasted by the people of North America. Americans waste fruits, vegetables and seafood.


 - Environmental Pollution
 - Economical problems
 - Political turmoil


     The food we eat travels from the farm to industries. Then it goes to the supermarket which ends in our plates. It would be great if this chain finished there, but unfortunately a great amount of food ends in our trash.This food ends in a big hole. With the time this food release the chemical product  which it was treated with in the industries. Searching about this thing in internet I found an interesting new. If you want to read it, I leave the link here;
Another problem, is that we squander a lot of money by not eating all the food we buy. This ends up in a decline in the economy.
For me is sad to see that in a world full of hunger, we still squander a lot of money in food which then the majority of it is thrown to the trash. This incites people in less develop countries to revolt against this countries.

Link of the video:


          Surfing on the net, I found many possible solutions to this problem. In North America 1/5 of the food is uneaten, because the confusion of label dates, but they already solve this. Many industries are putting off the food label date. In some restaurants and houses they prepare a huge amount of food, which part of it is then uneaten. I think a good idea, is to build restaurants in which they give you the option of choose the amount of food you want to eat. People, also need to start thinking with their brains, instead with their eyes at the time of buying in the supermarkets. In many countries the waste of fruit, vegetables and seafood is higher than the loss of meat and unhealthy food, Why? Now a day, there are many campaigns promoting this food. People are attracted by them, who then buy this food.
Other solutions are; freezing the food we don´t eat for another day. Sending food to the less develop countries, or giving it to animals.






A War Against Food Waste

       According to a report by UNEP and the World Resources Institute, about one-third of all food produced worldwide gets lost or wasted. Only in the United States the 30%-40% goes wasted. Food waste is all that food that you buy, but later don't eat, so you have to throw it away, and is the remaining scarpes on our plate that we throw away because we are to full to finish eating.
When food is thrown out, also fresh water, oil, and $165 billion dollars all dedicated to produce food are resources wasted. To reduce this food waste you could plan menus-shop wisely, eat leftovers by also using your freezer, and donate food to food banks.

       One of the best ways to reduce food waste is planning menus, which is related with shopping wisely. By shopping wisely I mean planning meals, using shopping lists, and avoid purchases that are not necessary. Shopping lists would make your life easier because when you enter a supermarket you know exactly what you buy. This also helps you avoid buying food you already have at home and helps you save money.

       Leftovers are foods cooked and not eaten, which may be eaten after they were stored in the refrigerator or freezer. For example, after going to the restaurant, you could ask to pack up your extras, so you can eat them later. Freezing food is a good way to reduce food waste. You can freeze fresh foods and leftovers, so you have the possibility to eat them before they go bad. For example, at my house, I freeze, or just store in the refrigerator, pasta sauce that sometimes is left, meat, vegetables, soups and many other foods.

       Finally, you could donate untouched food to food banks and food drives. These foods, that would otherwise be thrown away, might go to those people who haven't a steady food supply. There are many organizations that try to provide low or no-cost meals to families in need. Some of these organizations are:

  • Feeding America, which is a nationwide network of food banks that tries to put an end to the hunger in the United States;
  • Food For Free: since 1981 this organization rescues fresh food from being thrown and distributing it in local emergency food systems;
  • Food Bus, which is a public charity that works to maintain systems where unused or unopened food leftovers from elementary schools lunches are saved from being thrown out and then distributed to local food pantries.
Another thing you might do is give the remaining scarpes on your plate to animals, for example pigs, so the food is not totally gone wasted.

       A large portion of food waste occurs in households, such as fresh products, such as fish, eggs, milk, fruits, and vegetables, are thrown away. Much of this food waste is due to overcooking or over-purchasing. Some restaurants may also contribute to this problem for example with supersized portions. Others wastes happen because people get confused with the "use-by" and the "best-by" day, which makes them fear that the food got spoiled. Another way of how food gets wasted is that sometimes crops or other foods are left unharvested because their appearance has an imperfection, for example it does not have a regular shape or color, and probably these food might have even tasted good.

       Children in the world suffer for famine because in many places there isn't enough food. Instead we eat a lot and all the food that we buy and later don't eat goes wasted. By not wasting food we may improve the environmental problems as well as societal problems. We can do this in three simple ways: plan menus-shop wisely, eat leftovers by using freezer, and by donating food to food banks. And with our help of reducing food loss and wasted food, we can have enough food to feed the about 805 million hungry people around the world.

Works Cited
"Food Facts: Your Scarps Add Up". Natural Resources Defense Council. Mar 2013 Web. 6 March 2016
"Food Waste: the Facts". World Food. Oct, 15 2015 Web. 6 Mar 2016
"Recovery/Donations". United States Department of Agriculture. ND. 13 Mar 2016
"Reducing Wasted Food at Home". EPA. gov. United States Environmental Protection Agency. 19 Jan 2016 Web. 6 Mar 2016
"Sustainable Foodservice: Food Donation". Sustainable Foodservice Consulting. ND. 13 Mar 2016.

What is food waste?

         Food waste is the food that is discarded, lost or uneaten. Food waste is an important problem that humans face every day. One of the major causes of food waste is overproduction. The food industries produce a large amount of food waste that then goes to the market and most of it is damaged or lost. 
We can help to prevent food waste by starting eating leftovers,  be more careful,  and by donate food to the poor.

How to prevent food waste

         To prevent food waste, shopping wisely using shoppings list would help people to avoid buying unnecessary goods. People could even prevent food waste by reducing the siza and the volume of the meals portions at dinner or lunch since most of it is thrown away. The industries could prevent food waste by reducing the food produced every month or year, since how I've said before, most of it is thrown away or when it to the market place is damaged and is not eaten, so if the amount of food produced is less all of of it is eaten and there would be a smaller amount of food waste. 


        A good way to deal with the problems of house food waste, that is one of the main problems of the world of today 
Reduce of wasted food at home 
Most people don't realize how much food they throw away every day from uneaten leftovers to spoiled produce. About as percent of the food we throw away ends up in landfills or combustion facilities. In 2013, we disposed of more than 35 million tons of food waste.Once in landfills ì, food breaks down to produce methane, a potent green house gas which contributes to climate change.
If every body in the world can reduce just a little part of food waste, maybe in the world the food waste were reduced 2-5 million tons every year. 
Now I'm going to talk about the ways to reduce the food waste.

The reduce of food waste 
Planning , Prepping , Storing and Donating food can helps your household waste less food.
1.Planning tips
In your house you can simply make a list with weekly meals in mind, to save money and time and eat healthier food.For example , if you make a "Menu" for week or month, you can specially know which food you need to buy for day. So in the store you buy food that you need to buy and you can also save your money for not buying food that you don't need.
The  food that you buy , will be all eaten at home so there isn't any food that will be wasted. 
At my home my mother every day buy enough pasta and meat, that we can eat all. 

2. Prep tips
Prepare perishable foods soon after shopping. It will be easier to prepare meals or snacks later in the week, saving time , effort, to wash , chop, dry , slice , and place your fresh food items in clear storage conteiners for snacks and easy cooking.
This preparation can help you to reduce your time during cooking and can make your food health.

3. Storage tips
The storage of food is the most important part of reducing food waste. The people beyond eat meat and pasta, they eat also a lot of fruit and vegetable. But fruits and vegetable spoil very fast. So pick your time for studying how to use the freeze or refrigerator this can help you to save your food. 
Many king of fruit or vegetable can stay at normal temperature, but almost all of fruits or vegetable have to stay in the refrigerator for keeping their shape ,  colour , and also the tasty of the food. 

3.Donate tips
Another way to reduce food is to donate the food to the poor people. As sometimes when you buy too much food and you cannot eat all, don't throw away them, donate them to the poor people so the food will not be wasted.

these ways about the reduce of food waste help you how to reduce food in your house, to save your money and your time.
Now every body can start to reduce the amount of food wasted at their home. What about you?

"Reducing food waste food at home"  EPA.gow    United States Environmental   Protection Ageney  19 Jan 2016 web    25 Feb 2016

Together against food waste

                        Together against food waste

Whether cooking at home or eating out, people tend to waste a lot of their food. The United States wastes 40 percent of their food every food every year. The important fact that just a few people know is that when food rots it releases methane, a greenhouse gas that is dangerous for the environment. Whether you believe or not, just with some little easy tips you can save money and help to protect your planet.

Firstly, feed animals with your food. Let your household pets clean your plates but make sure you are not feeding your animals anything that might be dangerous for them. For the people who don't have any pets, contact local farmers to see if they would be interested in accepting your food scraps to feed their livestock. The EPA for example supports this initiative so go and check their page.
Then buy only food you know you will eat. I know it sounds very simple but it helps to reduce food waste.Try to shop only when you need to and use a shopping list and never go shopping when you are hungry, to don't make any impulsive buyings. Furthermore you should plan your meals for the week with your family and only cook meals that everyone likes.

Last but not least, use food which is about to become bad in creative ways to keep them from spoiling. Everyone knows this problem. You have an apple for example but it doesn't look so fresh anymore although it is still good but anyway you decide to put it in the trash. But to avoid this, turn fruits that are slightly over-ripe into smoothies or use them in bakings. Vegetables that are starting to go limp can be used in stock or turned into soup and hard bread can be turned into crumbs or into croutons for soups and salads. So get creative with your use of leftovers.

It is never too late to reduce food waste and to help this planet. Any single person who reduces food waste is helping this planet. So start with it, as you can see, you do not have to do anything difficult and you do not have to pay money. Share it with your family and friends to persuade them to reduce food waste and to become a real hero for this planet!

Bloom, Jonathan. “Wholly Ugly” 21,2016.Web.March 9,2016

Haugan, Janeth.”How to cut back on food waste at home”. November 23, 2015.Web. March 9, 2016

“how four questions can prevent Restaurant plate waste” 14,2016.Web.March 16,2016

Jacobs,Robin.”how to reduce food waste at home” 3,2014.Web.March 5,2016
Food Waste Solutions
A global level title nowadays takes "Food Waste" as increased wealth has caused an increased amount of people throwing away food that is eatable. Can we do something about it? Yes, we can, and in this paper i will try to persuade you to reduce your amount of food waste through simple solutions that will affect your daily life only for the better.

One very simple way to reduce food waste is studying cooking and checking websites for creative ways to mix your food leftovers in the fridge into making something really cool. Not only will your life be more economic (As you will be able to invest lost money for more food, into something else), but you will also be able to put more knowledge into your mind into becoming a better cook.
Controlling your shopping is also a another good way to reduce food waste, as many people tend to buy more food due to miss coordination. Best ways is to one week check what you eat make it into a list and afterwards buying only this items. You will be surprised when you see that your trash bins will not have spoiled food no more.

Last but not least your fridge programming must be in a certain way so that you will not forget older products hidden away in spots that will not be first to see. When you are unpacking your groceries be sure to move the older products out and place them in the front, so that they will be the first once that you use.

It is important that you reduce your food waste as it is estimated that 40 precent of the food in the us has being going to the landfill. Now you might be wondering, whats the problem with that food going to the landfill? Well the problem is that the food burning produces carbon dioxide and other gases that effect global warming for the worst. If we don't take action now in 20 years we are gonna see hazardous effects of it
Those three technics are very useful and you will find that your food consumption has gone down in no time. ;)


"Food Waste" Corporation. 17 Mar. 2016. Web. 18 Mar. 2016.
"Food Waste". Commission. 17 Feb. 2016. Web. 18 Mar. 2016
"Food Waste: The Facts. Nations Environment Programme.2015. Web. 18 Mar. 2016
"Food Waste". European Union. Europea Union Program. 18 April 2016. 18 March.2016
"Food Waste Management Conference" Cremona Fiere. 20 

venerdì 18 marzo 2016


                                                  Food Waste-Hunger Taste

Wasting food is like taking the food from the poor people.You might not think twice about throwing away spoiled milk, cheese coated in fuzz, or uneaten leftovers, but the impact of food waste is enormous.Nowadays in some countries of the world food is wasted..and in some countries the people are starving.What can we do about this?Maybe by following three simple steps the wasted food will be less...

    Shop smart. Plan meals, use grocery lists, and avoid impulse buys. This way, you’re less likely to buy things you don’t need and that you’re unlikely to actually consume. Buy items only when you have a plan for using them, and wait until perishables are all used up before buying more.By doing this you also can have more money for other stuff like..having money per example for a trip or for new clothes or other things.
     Eat leftovers! Brown-bag them for work or school for a free packed lunch. If you don’t want to eat leftovers the day after they’re cooked, freeze and save them for later (just remember to note when you froze them so you can use them up in a timely fashion).With the leftovers,if you don’t want to eat them just like that,you can put them in another food.You can try making food with all the leftovers you have.My mother does that and trust me sometimes the"invented" food is even better.
      Check in with your belly. Here it is, ladies and gentlemen: The solution to the “clean your plate!” issue. Simply take a moment to ask your body what it wants to eat, and how much — and then serve yourself that. Or simply start with less food on your plate. If you want more, you can always go back for it — but this way you won’t find out that you’re full and still have a heap of food in front of you. In fact, one study found that reducing portion sizes is an easy way to reduce food waste.
       The effort to reduce global food waste is a key component of the sustainability effort to provide food to millions,improve the environment,and create a more secure world.

      -"10 things you did’t know about food waste" 30,2015.March 16,2016
       - Helmer.Jodi."Understanding Food Waste" 2,2015.March 16,2016
       - Newcomer.Laura."29 Smart and Easy Tips to Reduce Food Waste" 26,2013.March 16,2016
       - Nink.Emily."World environment day 10 facts about food waste" 5,2015.March 16, 2016  
       - Scriber.Bradley."Things you can do about food waste".www.the 16,2016.March 16,2016

“Even the simplest food is a gift”- Laurie Colwin. This quotation is a good example of what food means to us. Without food, mankind could not exist. Indeed, every single piece of bread that we eat is fundamental for our existence. However, approximately one third of the food produced for human consumption gets lost or wasted. The inhabitants of developed countries are not paying attention yet to this major problem, but it is expected that world population will increase to nine million inhabitants in 2050. Then, food waste would be considered a major problem. Although there are still thirty four years until this moment arrives, we have to start facing it now. In Africa, every year; five million persons die from starvation, and yet, we still waste food that can be used to feed the people that suffer and die because they do not have the enough amount of food to eat. I propose some solutions, such as: shop wisely, buy funny fruit, learn as well when food expires and eat leftovers.
Well, shop wisely means: Plan meals, use shopping lists, buy from bulk bins, and avoid impulse buys. Shop wisely is greatly important in order to reduce the amount of food waste because, by planning meals, we know more or less what we are going to eat; therefore, it is easier to make shopping lists and because these menus are planned, the consequence is that people resist better to impulse buys. It is a proposal that requires great organisation from people but it can be a start to be able in the future the world. For example, in my house we shop wisely by buying products that all members of the family like.
Actually, buy funny fruit means to buy fruits and vegetables that have different shape or size from the others. A lot of fruits and vegetables are thrown away just because they have a different size or shape. This is a stupid way to waste food. Because some fruits have a different shape, it does not mean they are going to taste worse than those fruits that have the regular shape. In fact, maybe it tastes even better than the regular shaped fruit that you just bought in the supermarket. This solution is as important as the others but it is easier to do and as well can reduce a great amount of food waste. Funny fruit can be found in any supermarket, so it is not difficult to find it.
Well, expiration date means that some food after a date can get unhealthy. For example, we have a yogurt that expires in a specific date, if you eat that yogurt after the expiration date, you might get sick. So in order to reduce the amount of food waste that it is caused by this, we should first know the expiration date of that product and deem if we are able to finish it before that date. By this method, we can as well reduce huge amounts of food waste.

A leftover is the food that we cooked the meal before and because there was a great amount of food, we packed it up and put it in the fridge. It is a simple and easy way to reduce food waste because it gives us more time to ourselves because we do not have to cook and therefore, we have more time to do whatever we want to do.

If we begin to use these methods and other ones, we can make our planet a better place and stop the starvation that it is being suffered right now by a lot of kids in undeveloped countries. We can be remember in history as the people that saved our world and the most important, as the humans that were more similar to what a human should be.

“Food Facts: Your Scraps Add Up”. Natural Resources Defence Council. Mar.2013. 19 Feb. 2016.

Haltz Diane. “Facts”. End Food Waste Now. Org. End Food Waste Now. 2013. 6 Mar. 2016.

Rademeyer Julian. “Do 12 Die Of Hunger Every Minute”? Africa Check. Org. AFP Foundation. 2013. 5 Mar.2016.

"Sustainable Management of Food”. US environmental protection agency. 19 Feb. 2016.

"Sustainable Management of Food”. US environmental protection agency. 19 Feb. 2016.

mercoledì 2 marzo 2016

Food Waste Blog for the 10th Grade

This is the beginning of our student blog on food waste.
The link below is for the instructions and information.  Enjoy!

Food Waste