mercoledì 23 marzo 2016

A Better World

      Hello to all of you. I’m Claudia. I’m a normal teenager, who wants to inform all of you about food waste. Do you know what is food waste?  Food waste is food that is discarded, lost, or uneaten. According to a report by UNEP and WRI, about 1/3 of all the food produced worldwide, worth around $1 billion, is thrown to the trash. 


      I’ve been searching for information and news about this topic, and I found some interesting things. In the world 222 million vs 230 million tons of food are wasted. I think this information should make us more sensitive with this problems. North America is the country with the highest  percentage  of food waste in the world. Between 30 and 40 percent of the food is wasted by the people of North America. Americans waste fruits, vegetables and seafood.


 - Environmental Pollution
 - Economical problems
 - Political turmoil


     The food we eat travels from the farm to industries. Then it goes to the supermarket which ends in our plates. It would be great if this chain finished there, but unfortunately a great amount of food ends in our trash.This food ends in a big hole. With the time this food release the chemical product  which it was treated with in the industries. Searching about this thing in internet I found an interesting new. If you want to read it, I leave the link here;
Another problem, is that we squander a lot of money by not eating all the food we buy. This ends up in a decline in the economy.
For me is sad to see that in a world full of hunger, we still squander a lot of money in food which then the majority of it is thrown to the trash. This incites people in less develop countries to revolt against this countries.

Link of the video:


          Surfing on the net, I found many possible solutions to this problem. In North America 1/5 of the food is uneaten, because the confusion of label dates, but they already solve this. Many industries are putting off the food label date. In some restaurants and houses they prepare a huge amount of food, which part of it is then uneaten. I think a good idea, is to build restaurants in which they give you the option of choose the amount of food you want to eat. People, also need to start thinking with their brains, instead with their eyes at the time of buying in the supermarkets. In many countries the waste of fruit, vegetables and seafood is higher than the loss of meat and unhealthy food, Why? Now a day, there are many campaigns promoting this food. People are attracted by them, who then buy this food.
Other solutions are; freezing the food we don´t eat for another day. Sending food to the less develop countries, or giving it to animals.






1 commento:

  1. You are giving a good introduction of food waste and making people clear that it is a serious problem, we have to change. I agree with your idea that restaurants should offer their meals in different sizes so that they will be less leftovers. But you could write more about how people in normal households should change their lifestyle and giving them easy tips to prevent food waste. Freezing food, giving the food to other people or animals are good points to prevent food waste. Nevertheless you should more precise them to give them a better idea of what you mean and how to do it.
