mercoledì 23 marzo 2016

Food Waste Solutions
A global level title nowadays takes "Food Waste" as increased wealth has caused an increased amount of people throwing away food that is eatable. Can we do something about it? Yes, we can, and in this paper i will try to persuade you to reduce your amount of food waste through simple solutions that will affect your daily life only for the better.

One very simple way to reduce food waste is studying cooking and checking websites for creative ways to mix your food leftovers in the fridge into making something really cool. Not only will your life be more economic (As you will be able to invest lost money for more food, into something else), but you will also be able to put more knowledge into your mind into becoming a better cook.
Controlling your shopping is also a another good way to reduce food waste, as many people tend to buy more food due to miss coordination. Best ways is to one week check what you eat make it into a list and afterwards buying only this items. You will be surprised when you see that your trash bins will not have spoiled food no more.

Last but not least your fridge programming must be in a certain way so that you will not forget older products hidden away in spots that will not be first to see. When you are unpacking your groceries be sure to move the older products out and place them in the front, so that they will be the first once that you use.

It is important that you reduce your food waste as it is estimated that 40 precent of the food in the us has being going to the landfill. Now you might be wondering, whats the problem with that food going to the landfill? Well the problem is that the food burning produces carbon dioxide and other gases that effect global warming for the worst. If we don't take action now in 20 years we are gonna see hazardous effects of it
Those three technics are very useful and you will find that your food consumption has gone down in no time. ;)


"Food Waste" Corporation. 17 Mar. 2016. Web. 18 Mar. 2016.
"Food Waste". Commission. 17 Feb. 2016. Web. 18 Mar. 2016
"Food Waste: The Facts. Nations Environment Programme.2015. Web. 18 Mar. 2016
"Food Waste". European Union. Europea Union Program. 18 April 2016. 18 March.2016
"Food Waste Management Conference" Cremona Fiere. 20 

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