What is food waste?
Food waste is the food that is discarded , lost or uneaten. Food waste is an important problem that humans face with every day.
One of the major causes of food waste is the overproduction, the food industries produce a large amount of food that then goes to the market and the most part of it is damaged or lost.
So we can help to prevent food waste by starting eating leftovers, control the food shopping and by donate food to the poor people.
How to prevent food waste
To prevent food waste, shopping wisely using shopping list would help people to avoid buying unnecessary goods. People could even prevent food waste by reducing the size and the volume of the meals portions at dinner or lunch since most of it is thrown away
The industries could prevent food waste by reducing the food produced very month or year, since how I've said before,most of it is thrown away or when it arrives to the market place is damaged and so is not eaten, so if the amount food produced is less all of it is eaten and there would be a smaller amount of food waste.
The goodness of the leftovers
A good way to deal with the problems of house food waste, that is one of the main problems of the world of today, is to start to eat leftovers or let some animals eat them since many people don't like to eat them. If many people begins to eat the leftovers there would be less amount of wood waste since we will consume them all, but since many people don't like to at leftovers they could give them to some animals that obviously will to refuse them.
The people that refuse to eat leftovers and don't have an animals to feed, could bring their leftovers to the poor people that are saving an don't have any possibilities, so there will be less food waste and you could resolve even another problem of today's world.
hi vincenzo
RispondiEliminai read your blog and i must say that i found your blog very interesting. i agree with you under many aspects such as reducing the size of the meals (eating just what it is necessary) or using shopping lists, which i think many people dont use and usually buy more than they ned resulting in waste. but i should say that i dont agree with you under some aspects such as reducing the qauantities of food that industries make; i dont agree because in this way people will still buy a lot of things but some will remain without food because there is not enough supply.