venerdì 22 aprile 2016

food waste

what is food waste 

in my opinion food waste is food that is discarded, lost, or uneaten. are many and can happen under many stages such as processing, retailing, and consumption.

how can we prevent food waste
food waste can be prevented in many ways such as

  • using lists when buying food
  • reduce the quantities of food you buy
  • do smaller portions
  • buy food with long durability
this are only some of the thousands of ways we can reduce food waste. all over the world about 220 million tons of food are wasted and as reported in the picture europe wastes food as asia produces .

sources used

lunedì 4 aprile 2016


                                                  All Against Food Waste!

        What is food waste? How much food go to waste in Europe?
        Did you know that 100 million tones of food are wasted annually in Europe? Food loss is the food that is discarded, lost or uneaten. Food waste is an important issue that humans face and deal with every day. One of the major causes of food waste is overproduction. The food industries produce significant amounts of food which then will be delivered to the markets and sometimes the products are damaged or lost. So we can help prevent waste by shopping wisely and planning, composting with leftovers, and donating food to the poor.

     Planning meals and shopping wisely:
 To prevent food waste, shopping wisely using shopping lists would help people to avoid buying unnecessary goods. As well as planning the menu, regulating the portion sizes, and reducing the volume of surplus food generated would be the perfect solutions to adapt.

      Composting, giving animals leftovers:
      Other solutions to apply to this issue are the animal feed and composting. a good way to deal with household food waste is feeding animals with food scarps. Furthermore, food which is thrown away and that can be biodegraded by composting will be reused to fertilize soil.

     Donating food to the poor:
      Hunger is still one of the most urgent development challenges. The causes of this are the lack of precious resources such as water, food, agriculture which can vary depending on climate change, and funds management. To resolve these issues, donating food to the porr is the first step for the salavtion of the planet.

       Who is responsible for this waste? What other resources other than food go wasted?
     The result is not just a waste of food but as well as a waste of money all dedicated to prodece food. The actors that participate in this loss as well in its prevention and reduction are the farmers, food manufacturers, processors and those who make food available for consumption.Wasting food is not only an ethical and economi issue but also environmental, since natural resources are limited,

       What happens in the world to those people who don't have food and can't feed themselves? How can we give our contribution to help them?
 In undeveloped countries, people suffer from famine. They don't have any access to food because of the lack of resources or lack of fund. Wasting less food would help decrease the number of hungry people who don't have food available in the areas. The increased production of food and delivery in these countries would eventually improve those people's lives.

       Reducing food waste in possible. making an effort to preserve the planet and feeding others being more careful and give values to our precious resources by saving them.

       In order to accomplish and succeed in the limitations and decrease of food waste, all of us should make an effort trying not to waste anymore, but to save the resources instead. By doing so, environmental, economic and socila factors will evntually improve. The food that goes to waste can be used to feed animals or for other purposes. Finally, the benefit of feeding the world allowing surplus food always without producing excessive amount of it.

 European Commision,"Stop Food Waste",,, 17/02/16,
 EPA ,"Reducing Wasted Food At Home",, , 29/02/16
World Resources Institute,"Food",,21/01/16
 Laura Newcomer ,"29 Smart and Easy tips to Reduce Food Waste",, 26/11/13

domenica 3 aprile 2016

Food Waste
Grimacing in disgust, I watched my dad peel off the lid to the yogurt I tried to throw out just a couple seconds ago. After finding it in the back of the fridge, I read the black imprinted date on the yogurt cup. "It expired two days ago," I whined to my to my dad. He explained to me that the date on the package didn't mean anything safety wise and was simply telling you when it tasted best. Unfortunately many Americans have the same fear as my third-grade self and end up throwing away many good food products because of this misconception. Up to 40 percent of Americas edible food is thrown out, and a large portion of that is due to people throwing out good food in their own home. Americans need to learn when and how to dispose of food properly.

"use by" date

You don't have to to worry about any "use by" dates on foods. Have you ever spent an unreasonable amount of time searching for the tiny imprinted numbers on food packages? If you were supposed to read it, it would be easo read. "Use by," "best by," and "sell by" dates are solely for the supermarkets use. They indicate when the supermarket should take them off the shelf so the companies can keep a certain taste standards for their
foods. Dates of food do not indicate the safety, only the time at which the taste starts to decrease .
 Guidelines tend to only be an indication of quality. Many  stamped with “best before” dates have extremely long shelf lives—canned foods can be fine for years—and they can be eaten safely long beyond the date listed. It’s just a matter of their quality supposedly diminishing once that date has passed. Consumers often don’t make this distinction, and simply throw food away as soon as it seems to have “expired.”

At the end of the day, nobody's perfect, and some food will go bad. When this happens it's important to not throw the food directly away. As concern about landfill space increases, worldwide interest in composting is growing, since composting is a process for converting organic materials into useful products. Composting is one of the only ways to revitalize soil and save the environment from green house gas emissions.

It is extremely important that Americans now how to handle food waste in their own home. A huge percentage of food goes to waste, and how people handle old food is a big contributor. By getting past the icky fears of old food we can make a difference in our environment and economy. Food waste is a real problem we are facing, but fortunately has a solution.

Work sighted:

 Lights, Zion. "5 Reasons Why Composting Is the Greenest Thing You Can Do." One Green Planet. Green Leaf, 20 Mar. 2012. Web. 28 Mar. 2016.

Weintraub, Karen. "Ask Well: Guidelines for When Food Goes Bad." Well Ask Well Guidelines for When Food Goes Bad Comments. New York Times, 6 July 2015. Web. 25 Mar. 2016. 

 Lights, Zion. "5 Reasons Why Composting Is the Greenest Thing You Can Do." One Green Planet. Green Leaf, 20 Mar. 2012. Web. 28 Mar. 2016. 

"Reducing Wasted Food at Home". EPA. gov. United States Environmental Protection Agency. 19 Jan 2016 Web. 6 Mar 2016

sabato 2 aprile 2016


What is food waste?

Food waste is the food that is discarded , lost or uneaten. Food waste is an important problem that humans face with every day. 
One of the major causes of food waste is the overproduction, the food industries produce a large amount of food that then goes to the market and the most part of it is damaged or lost. 
So we can help to prevent food waste by starting  eating leftovers, control the food shopping and by donate food to the poor people.

How to prevent food waste

To prevent food waste, shopping wisely  using shopping list would help people to avoid buying unnecessary goods. People could even prevent food waste by reducing the size and the volume of the meals portions at dinner or lunch since most of it is thrown away
The industries could prevent food waste by reducing the food produced very month or year, since how I've said before,most of it is thrown away or when it arrives to the market place is damaged and so is not eaten, so if the amount food produced is less all of it is eaten and there would be a smaller amount of food waste.

The goodness of the leftovers

A good way to deal with the problems of house food waste, that is one of the main problems of the world of today, is to start to eat leftovers or let some animals eat them since many people don't like to eat them. If many people begins to eat the leftovers there would be less amount of wood waste since we will consume them all, but since many people don't like to at leftovers they could give them to some animals that obviously will to refuse them. 
The people that refuse to eat leftovers and don't have an animals to feed, could bring their leftovers to the poor people that are saving an don't have any possibilities, so there will be less food waste and you could resolve even another problem of today's world.  

                                           FOOD WASTE

            Each second 41.200 kilograms of food are wasted, 13 billions tons each year. 1/3 of the production of food. Or 990 billions dollars. With 990 billions dollars you can pay back 80 times the debt of Europe but in Africa one person on four doesn't have enough to eat. Today we are 7.406 billions on the earth. We can't continue like that.Some simple solutions for wasting less food are plan meals, buy less food, and give food to animals.

          One of the solutions is to plan what we need to buy for the week, and eat what we need to eat, not more. Because after you have some leftovers of your meal,  you put it in the trash or you put in the refrigirator and forget it. Don't eat too much meat.
          The second solutions is never put leftovers in the trash. For example when you have many leftover you put every things together to make a big meal. If you want try something new like sushi and you've never tasted it, don't buy too much. If you like it, buy it again but if you buy a lot and you don't like it, it will be in the trash again.
          Also if you have cats or dogs, give leftovers to them. For example my cat likes bread, so when I have stale bread,  I give it to my cat. Or at the end of your lunch give them scraps too.

             I know it's difficult  to just buy the things you need because sometime you really want these things. But it's a choice between the world or a pack of Doritos. You have to make sacrifices, compromises, to reduce food waste. It's important: you don't want to see your children's wrist with an outline of 2 centimeter. You are not alone on the earth.

Works Cited:
"Food Waste" Corporation.17Mars.2016.web.18.Mars.2016

“Gaspillage Alimentaire"

venerdì 1 aprile 2016

                          Saving vegetables

            Nowadays, food wasting is a very serious problem. In America, more than 20% of food are wasted.At the same time, there are still many people have problems on hunger.So today I am going to talk about saving vegetables.     
        As we all know,vegetables are good for our health, but it is always be wasted.First, the fresh of vegetables is very important. People always prefer fresh vegetables. If vegetables are put for a long time and not fresh anymore, they are always be thrown.To solve this, we can put the vegetable into a fridge.When we cook it , we just put as less as you need. All these ways can reduce food wasting.       
       Then, when people go to the market, they usually said:'I want to become fit!' and he buy a lot of vegetables and cook it.And then he found vegetables were so awful, and throw them with just few bite. So I suggest to buy the vegetables only as more as you need, and be sure that you like the things you buy.If you have never eaten this food before, don't buy too much, just buy a little for trying.
        At last,  the way you cook is very important.Sometimes you don't like the taste of food but you need the nutrition of the food, why don't you cook food in some special ways?For example. I love dumplings,so I cut vegetables which I don't like into pieces and put them into dumplings.The dumplings are still tasty and I get nutrition I need.
        Saving food is not so hard, but we need to be uphold. Please always remember the food we save may bring millions of poor people out of hunger.